Ahad, 11 September 2011

Xpham r...

urm.. aq xphm r sal dax sekor ni..mmbe aq r...rapat gax r..
ape qo pkir cntik sngt ke smpai qo layak nk kutok pic aq r???
sedar r diri qo 2 ckit..
muke pown serabai..
then nk blagax cam qo kaye je pdahal x..
qo nk mak bapak qo ikut je khendak qo..
qo pkir dorang ape??
bank qo ke??
usah r.. law xmampu wat je care xmampu..
xsemua yg kite nk kite leh dpt r beb..
tolak ansur je r..
qo xleh kan tngk owg lbih dari qo..
sedar cikit kekurangan diri..
xsemue owg leh ikot kehendax qo..
matang r ckit jgn still jd budax2..
ckp owg gdix pndai tp pdahal qo 2 ag gedix r wey...
nympah aq..
cmne r kn aq xjauh kn diri dr qo law pangai qo cmni...

2 ulasan:

  1. okey no offense..i know this is me...if u think u try to get ur self way from me just do it..but pliz..if u think not really comfort what im telling u just straight telling me..i will apologize..i just think this is not our way..im oredy tot u as my sister...im saying like dat coz im feel its just a joke..pliz dont touch about my family..u dunno anything bout it...yes im not perfect n i cant c anybody perfect than me..but what more i cant expect A BFF DO A STATEMENT LIKE THIS..MORE THAN A YEAR WE R FRIENDS..EVER U ASK IF IM TOUCHING WITH UR WORDS?NOPE RITE?EVEN I FEEL IT I WILL SHUT IT DOWN..COZZ U R MY BFF..N I THINK U SHOULD KNOW DAT U R LOOSING ME NOW..CONGRATES FOR YOUR NEW GOOD FRIENDS...:') TENGS FOR BETRAYING ME ^_^

  2. eh dax ni.. ade gax kne cepuk kang.. its not u r..
    yg qo trase 2 pahal..aduh.. susah tol.. ni tok budax nme A**... ish...
